Specimen Results

Temperature / °C
Day and
Elapsed Time from
start of experiment
/ hours
Room i.e.
Vacuum Flask
containing live
Vacuum Flask
boiled peas
Vacuum Flask
containing peas in
strong disinfectant
day 0 0 15 15 16 15
day 1 24 16 17 16 16
day 2 48 15 19 15 16
day 3 72 17 23 17 16
day 4 96 16 25 17 16
day 5 120 18 27 19 18
day 6 144 17 29 23 17
These data show that the temperature rises quite reliably in the living germinating seeds, but not in the others. At least, there is often a rise in the boiled section, but delayed by several days. This is usually caused by bacterial growth on the dead peas, as can be confirmed by a terrible pong when these are emptied out. Still, bacterial respiration also releases heat, so all is not lost!
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