Coenzyme A

The Coenzyme A molecule - rotatable in 3 dimensions

Coenzyme A is used in the transfer of acyl groups in carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism.

There is a thiol (=SH) group at one end of the Coenzyme A molecule, so it is sometimes referred to as CoASH. This can form thioesters with the acyl groups

These groups - acetyl (CH3COO-), succinyl (-OOC-C2H4-COO-) - are 2-carbon and 4-carbon sections effectively derived from acetic (ethanoic) acid and succinic acid.
Do not confuse Acetyl Coenzyme A with the neurotransmitter substance Acetyl Choline

Acetyl Coenzyme A is formed following the breakdown of pyruvate in the link reaction between glycolysis and the Krebs cycle, and Succinyl Coenzyme A is formed following the breakdown of α- ketoglutarate within the Krebs cycle itself.

The Coenzyme A molecule is built up from three sections:

Label/ Unlabel atoms