Site author Richard Steane
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Examples of enzymes and their action

  • substrate(s) -enzyme- product(s)

Carbohydrases (enzymes acting on carbohydrates)

  • starch (+ water) -amylase- maltose
  • maltose (+ water) -maltase- glucose + glucose
  • sucrose (+ water) -sucrase (invertase)- glucose + fructose

  • lactose (+ water) -lactase (beta-galactosidase)- glucose + galactose
  • Lactase may also be known as beta-galactosidase

Proteases (enzymes acting on proteins)

  • proteins (+ water) -pepsin- polypeptides
  • liquid milk proteins (+ water) -rennin- coagulated milk solids

Lipases (enzymes acting on lipids)

  • fats/oils (+ water) -lipase- fatty acids + glycerol

Other (non-digestive) enzymes

  • hydrogen peroxide -catalase- water + oxygen

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Or examples from each of the 6 categories:
1 Oxidoreductases: catalyse oxidation/reduction reactions
2 Transferases: transfer a functional group (e.g. a methyl or phosphate group)
3 Hydrolases: catalyse the hydrolysis of various bonds
4 Lyases: cleave various bonds by means other than hydrolysis and oxidation
5 Isomerases: catalyse isomerization changes within a single molecule
6 Ligases: join two molecules with covalent bonds.

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Measuring rate of reaction of enzyme-controlled reactions

    This may be achieved by directly measuring
  • appearance of product over time
  • disappearance of substrate over time.

From these measurements rate of reaction may be directly calculated.

Alternatively, using the time T taken for the reaction to reach a certain stage:
Rate of reaction prop to 1/T ( rate is inversely proportional to T)

Actually it may be easier to use 100/T or 1000/T (just to avoid excess decimal places).
Make sure you are measuring T in a consistent manner (e.g. all in seconds, or minutes [convert min:sec to decimal minutes so 2:30 becomes 2.5 min])

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