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This section contains some actual statements from my students, mostly in response to exam questions, tests and homework.
Whilst marking their work in the usual way, it has been my habit to jot down my impression of these digressions verbatim and retain this for further consideration. I recommend this to anyone in my situation. Conceivably it may help one to keep one's attention focussed, or to hone one's critical faculties, and perhaps to retain one's sanity. I do concede, however, that it may also have the opposite effects.
I present them here as they accumulated from year to year, in an apparently themeless way.
In order to reduce download time, I have chained them together so you can move from one compilation to the next. The howling wolf icons at the end of each list take you onwards or back. Perhaps you will agree with me that the earlier ones are funnier than the more recent ones, although some or most of these come from A level papers which I have marked.

Disclaimer: In view of the fact that in Biology we are dealing with matters inexorably connected with bodily processes, I apologise if any of this material is considered offensive - and of course there is no accounting for web censorship software! Actually I have inserted navigation icons at the top of these pages in case the censorship software refuses to go any further. It was collected (and presumably the mistakes were originally committed) in good faith. On reflection, some of it might even have an educational use!

On further reflection, I now think the latest files would be very useful for anyone studying or teaching at A2 level.

List in roughly chronological order - sequentially accessible via icons at the bottom of the pages
Some of my oldest stuff (about chemistry)
Pupils' own words! .... PROBABLY THE BEST PLACE TO START
A new crop of howlers
A completely new crop
Summer 1995 HOWLERS
Actual quotations!
Some Biological Misconceptions
Lost howlers
Yet more howlers
Howlers - Summer 99
Howlers - Autumn & Christmas Exams 99 and Coursework Assessments 2000
Howlers - mostly from Christmas Exams 2000
In sickness and in health
Christmas Exams 2001 to Summer Assessments 2002
Hard to swallow?
Summer Exams 2003.
Summer 2004 & 2005 selection
2006 stuff
2007 stuff
2008 stuff
2009 (and 2010) stuff
January 2011
Summer 2011
Summer 2012
Summer 2013
Summer 2014
Summer 2015 (a)
Summer 2015 (b)
Summer 2016 (a)
Summer 2016 (b)
Summer 2017 (a)
Summer 2017 (b)
Summer 2018
Most recent stuff - Summer 2019

Other sources of humour

If you are interested in Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry you will probably enjoy the site celebrating Molecules with Silly or Unusual Names but be warned - some are fairly close to the knuckle!

Andy Darvill's Science Site: Funnies is a well-themed collection of humour, some of it loosely science and education-based, trawled from the internet.

If any reader wishes to contribute any howlers of their own, I would happily devote some space to them: e-mail address accessible from the front index page.

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